League Excutives

ADDRESS Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium Nassau/New Providence/Bahamas
CONTACT e: Jeff@baseballbahamas.com PH# 242 000-0001

Jeffrey Francis

The New Providence Amateur Baseball League


The Nassau Baseball League No League Play Since 2006 Unfortunately the league hasn’t played a full season since the league the league was ask to rap up their season before June 2006,To make way for the demolition of the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium, and the space would be use for the new Thomas Augustus Robinson Track and Field Stadium. (TAR Stadium). With no night league baseball in Nassau, the ripple effect is being felt all around the Bahamas at that level, and player who are returning home after graduating and playing college baseball has no league to continue their play of the game they love, even young former professional baseball players have no league to play. But sad to say it has been Seventeen years now. However, there will finally be a season in 2024.
STORY Formed in 1993 In 1992, a new Minister of Sports, the Hon Algernon Allen, had the mandate to see senior league baseball being played again in the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium and asked Mr. Jeffrey, August Williams, to form a committee to make it happen with the full backing of the Government of the Bahamas. After a few months of quiet meetings by baseball enthusiasts, officials, and coaches, a Senior Baseball League was ready to be formed. With the blessing of the minister of sports, an election of officers was called at the Lions Club on Thompson Boulevard in December 1992. The election results: Jeffrey Williams, President; Jeffrey Francis, Vice President; Paul Demeritte Treasure, Athama Bowe Commissioner; Gishlane Wilkinson, Secretary with another post to be filled later, the League was called the Nassau Baseball Association, and the election meeting was wide open for anyone to nominate and run and anyone could vote to get the League started. The League began with six teams, but after one team lost their first game by default, that team was not allowed to play any more games as the League decided to remove them from the league schedule to avoid what happened in the two earlier leagues. Teams in the first N.B.A were Buttons Formal Ware, T-Bird Flyers, and TBS Truckers. Spotless Cleaners TCBY Waffle Cones and Buttons Formal Ware won the Pennant and Championship. In 1993, Jeffrey Williams stepped down as president to become the league commissioner and elevated Jeff Francis to the president. Andy Ford was elected Vice President; Williams took over the job of Commission after Mr. Bowe did not occupy the office that year. Buttons Formal Wear also won, this time the triple crown, as the champions of the northern baseball leagues also came together to play the winners of the southern baseball leagues for the Commonwealth Championship. The League grew stronger and stronger, bigger and bigger, and baseball was finally being played again, involving all the islands that played in 1996. Craig Kemp became president of the League and changed its name to the Nassau Baseball League. Kemp served in the 1996, 97, 98 & 1999 seasons; in 2000, Greg Burrows Sr became president and moved baseball along. Burrows did in the 2000, 2001, 2002 & 2003 seasons before he gave it up to run for the newly formed Bahamas Baseball Federation. Theodore Teddy Sweeting became president. He served in 2004 & 2005 and got the league name changed to the New Providence Amateur Baseball League before Jeff Francis returned as president in 2006, the year the Andre Rodgers Baseball Diamond was demolished to make way for the Thomas A. Robinson Track & Field Stadium.
After Seventeen Years we Will Finally to hear, Play Ball!!! Making A Hit, The Nassau Baseball League


A New Land Mark Play Ball 2024, Yes!!!

Jeannie Scarvella


Dion Forsyth

Vice President
The Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium
Making A Hit! The Nassau Baseball League